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Sydney, NSW, Australia
This page will give you an idea about me, what i stand for, who i am... And if you don't go through it, you will never know *shrug..... It's up to you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

HTML - Week 6

Hey everyone, so this is a catch up to what i have been doing in class.....
So what we were supposed to do was do a post every week, unfortunately Facebook is one of the biggest procrastination sites out there, and needless to say i spent the entire lesson talkig to my friends back home in Sydney :/
Probably not a good thing seeing as this is homework and now it's all stacked up to too much and basically i'm overloading.....
These next few posts are just catch up one soooooo, ignore them if you don't want to be bored out of your skull.
Well as we all know, i REALLY HATE computers so needless to say i FAILED at doing the HTML stuff. I mean that i was seriously worse than usual. We are doing the html in order to create our own websites, the program that we used was iweb, wich was pretty easy (even for computer illiterate people like me)
This can only be done on the Mac's so that means that i will be spending heaps of time in the mac labs, cause i have a PC.

iweb is basically an easier version/ or at least a Mac version of Dreamweaver, it's much easier to understand.

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